The average child has about a 700 word vocabulary by the age of three.•Children of very sociable families have a vocabulary of about 1,100 words Children of uncommunicative, non-reactive families have only about a 500 word vocabulary. From birth to age three, children have roughly 15,000 hours of learning opportunity
The more you talk, the higher the quality of the language.•Quantity results in quality..All
parents engage in “business talk” — imparting necessary information such as “get down
from there,” or “don’t do that.”.If you don’t talk much, this terse business talk is the only
language children are exposed to. So talk more — that’s when children are exposed to
complex and rich communication.. The interaction with adult caregivers is the most
important part of baby’s world.. The amount of interaction makes the environment
richer. You don’t have to worry about how to talk to your baby-–Just talk a lot!
Talk about what you’re doing, what you see, what’s going on.To the baby, it’s all
engagement with the world and people around them.. Listening and learning contribute to
language development.
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